Erasmus Mundus Success Stories from Indonesia: Nayarini Estiningsih

This is the second episode of a series. In the videos, alumni (and perhaps in the future, also awardees) tell their experience during their Erasmus Mundus course. The videos are in Indonesian but subtitled in English.

Scenes from Episode 2: Nayarini

This second episode features Nayarini Estiningsih, alumna of MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM). She studied in 3 universities in Europe (Hungary, Greece, the UK). After graduated in 2007, she started her career in the UK. She now works for a company in Cambridge, which designs and develops medical devices.

You can also watch the first episode, or other videos as well.

Erasmus Mundus Success Stories from Indonesia: Danang Ari Raditya

This is a start of a series of videos showcasing Erasmus Mundus success stories from Indonesia. In the videos, alumni (and perhaps in the future, also awardees) tell their experience during their Erasmus Mundus course. The videos are inspired by Lingkar Ide PPI Australia. The videos are in Indonesian but subtitled in English.

Scenes from Episode 1: Danang

This first episode features Danang Ari Raditya, alumnus of MSc in European Forestry (MScEF). He studied in 6 universities in Europe (Sweden, Germany, Finland, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria). After graduated in 2009, he returned to Indonesia that same year. He now works for IKEA as a forestry co-ordinator of Southeast Asian region.

You can also watch other videos.

Biaya Hidup di Austria (Vienna)

Berikut informasi biaya hidup di Vienna (Wina), Austria periode 2010. Sumber: Januarti, awardee MSc European Forestry tahun 2008. Terima kasih, Januarti! Ada koreksi dari Novi, di bagian komentar, yang sudah dimasukkan ke informasi di bawah.

Biaya Makan

  • Masak sendiri, makan siang di kantin kampus (BOKU), plus makan malam di luar di akhir pekan @50 euros/bulan.
  • Harga makan siang di kantin BOKU @3-4 euros.
  • Harga paket sarapan di bakery @3-4 euros.
  • Makan di luar kurang lebih @10-15 euros.


  • Student housing, paling murah @215 euros/bln, menengah @270euros (termasuk listrik dan internet).
  • Dari pengalaman, kondisi privat flat lebih bagus dengan harga yg kurang lebih sama dan kalau beruntung bisa lebih murah dibanding student housing.
  • Harga flat yang menengah @200-250 euros/bln (termasuk listrik dan internet)


  • Moda transportasi (metro, trem dan bus) di Vienna terintergrasi, jadi kalau beli tiket bisa masuk ke semua moda itu.
  • Semester ticket @218.5 euros /semester (usia <25 thn) 128.5 euros/4 bulan (usia <26 tahun).
  • Untuk mahasiswa usia >25 thn harus beli tiket umum, @49.5 euros/bln, 5.7 euros tiket harian, 1.8 euros one way ticket.
  • Untuk travel dengan kereta, bisa membuat vorteilcard (di bawah 26 tahun, hanya 20€, dapat potongan tiket hingga 50%.

Biaya Lain-lain


  • Buku selalu >10 euros.
  • Bus ticket ke negara tetangga Slovakia (kota Bratislava) @14 euros PP.
  • Ingin jalan2 keluar dari Vienna (tp masih di Austria), student ticket hanya berlaku didalam kota Vienna, jadi harus beli ticket lagi yg harganya dihitung per disrik @1.8 euros/distrik. Contoh: Vienna-Baden, kereta melewati 2 distrik, harga tiket ke Baden @3.6 euros= @7.2 euros PP.

Informasi Tambahan

Perhitungan kasar:

  • Akomodasi approx. € 200 to € 270.
  • Makan approx. € 200 to € 250.
  • Lain-lain approx. € 50 to € 100.
  • Total approx. € 450 to € 620.

Situs yang berguna:

  • Studentpoint of the University of Vienna:
  • Vienese public transportation: